Foreign business or start-up expanding into the US market?

Welcome to American Business LEAP

American Business LEAP exists to help small to medium-sized foreign entities successfully establish a US presence to sell their products and services.

Our professional team assists foreign entities to manage US expansion plans in an expert and compliant fashion. Let us sweat the small stuff, so you can concentrate on growing a successful US venture.

If you are thinking about launching in the US, don’t LEAP alone, use American Business LEAP.

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How we help you LEAP into the US Market



We enable foreign companies to legally establish a presence in the US.

This allows you to focus your efforts exclusively on finding customers and generating revenue, while we take care of everything else.



We don’t just help you get settled in.

American Business LEAP continues to provide a broad range of critical back-office administrative support services, while you keep working on growing your business.



A surprisingly high percentage of foreign companies who come to the US end up aborting their initial market entry. About half of those never attempt to re-enter. The remainder learned from their lessons and tried again.

We help minimize this risk by ensuring your entity and back-office support services are established correctly the first time around, Our US business experts have decades of experience and can help accelerate your journey by providing access to an extensive network of contacts.